
Deputy Director of the Student Department of the Ministry of Education, Gou Renmin and His Delegation Visited Jilin Animation Institute for Research

Position:News-Deputy Director of the Student Department of the Ministry of Education, Gou Renmin and His Delegation Visited Jilin Animation Institute for Research

News time:2024-08-08 14:07:00

  On August 2nd, the Deputy Director of the Student Affairs Department at the Ministry of Education, Gou Renmin, along with his team, visited Jilin Animation Institute to conduct a research survey on employment work for college graduates. The institute's Chairman, Zheng Liguo, warmly welcomed the research team and accompanied them on a tour of the school. on a tour of the school.\

Zheng Liguo Hosts the Research Group


  Gou Renmin and his team visited the institute's history museum, Jilin International Animation Museum, practical teaching platform, and the exhibition hall for integrated academic-research-production achievements in succession. They gained a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the institute's development journey, integration of production and education, talent training, employment and entrepreneurship, educational achievements, and the construction of the Shuangyang new campus, among other aspects.


The research group visits the institute's history museum.


  During the research process, Zheng Liguo explained the overall layout of the college's establishment and professional construction. The institute has built a full industry chain of professional modules around the industrialization system of film, continuously promoting the integrated development of "technology + art", and strengthening the development and design system of cultural derivative products. Zheng Liguo also introduced to the research team the construction plan for the Shuangyang new campus, which is planned to be built around the "mountain-sea culture" as a multi-integrated practical teaching base that includes practical teaching, innovation and entrepreneurship, movie locations, immersive experiences, and family research learning. Relying on the Jilin Province College Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Cultural and Creative) Alliance, efforts are made to advance the credit recognition system and the construction of an "integrated entrepreneurship and development" entrepreneurship system, improve the "promoting employment through innovation" mechanism, and promote more full and higher quality employment for college graduates in Jilin Province.


The research group visits the institute's practical teaching platform.


  While visiting the institute's practical teaching platform and the exhibition hall for integrated academic-research-production achievements, the research team conducted field inspections on the production processes of animation films such as "Battle of Mountains and Seas", "The New Match Girl - Freya", "Shadow of Legends", and CG movies. They had cordial exchanges with the main creative personnel. Gou Renmin inquired about the construction of the practice base's creative team, student practice teams, production process systems, and software development. He expressed appreciation for the originality and production achievements of our school's faculty and students in animated feature films like "Frog Kingdom" and "Zap's Last Stand", and recognized the results achieved by the school in obtaining its own intellectual property rights in software copyrights and patent technologies.


Take a group photo for memory.


  Through the field research, Gou Renmin and others affirmed the institute's achievements in employment and innovation and entrepreneurship. He pointed out that based on the professional characteristics, student capabilities, and employment characteristics of art colleges, graduates should be guided to establish market-oriented entrepreneurship and employment concepts, explore new models, paths, and measures for graduate employment. At the same time, he encouraged our school to accelerate the construction of the Jilin Province College Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Cultural and Creative) Alliance, perfect the high-quality full employment promotion mechanism through "promoting employment through innovation", strive to solve structural employment contradictions, and promote more full and higher quality employment for graduates.

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