
The Fourth Part of Frog Kingdom, Jointly Created by Teachers and Students of Jilin Animation Institute Held the Premiere in Jilin Province

Position:News-The Fourth Part of Frog Kingdom, Jointly Created by Teachers and Students of Jilin Animation Institute Held the Premiere in Jilin Province

News time:2023-03-31 14:57:00

On the evening of March 26, jointly created by teachers and students in Jilin Animation Institute(JAI), Jilin JAI Vixo Pictures Co., LTD., JAI and Jilin JAI Cultural Arts Group Co.LTD.jointly produced a series of 3D animation films The Frog Kingdom, the fourth part- The Frog Kingdom: The Fantasy Queen Jilin Province premiere ceremony was held in the Culture and Arts Center of JAI.


Group photo of participating leaders

Zhang Zhiwei, Deputy Director of the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee, Chen Yaohui, Secretary and Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Lu Lianda, President of the Provincial Higher Education Association and former Director of the Provincial Department of Education, Liu Xuejun, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Education Work Committee and Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Education, Wang Shaojun, the Second-level Inspector of Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, Wang Fuan, the Deputy General Manager of Wuzhou Film Distribution Co., Ltd. and other leaders attended the premiere ceremony, and together with Zheng Liguo, Chairman and President of JAI, Song Jiangbo, the Chief Director of the film, and Jin Zhiwen, a famous singer go on stage and press the movie premiere launch screen. Wang Shaojun and Liu Xuejun delivered speeches. Zheng Liguo delivered a welcome speech.


Wang Shaojun, the Second-level Inspector of Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

On behalf of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, Wang Shaojun extended warm congratulations on the release of the film. He said that as the first institution of higher learning in China to train comics, animation and game talents, JAI is the largest national animation teaching and research institution in Asia and enjoys a high reputation at home and abroad. To promote the implementation of the strategy of strengthening the province by culture and accelerate the development of cultural industry in Jilin Province, we need the participation and strong support of JAI. The Frog Kingdom series of animated films is a brand jointly created by teachers and students of JAI. The development and creation of the four works is not only the inheritance of excellent Chinese culture, but also the innovation of modern scientific and technological power, and the presentation of socialist core values. He hopes that JAI will do better and better and continue to play an important supporting and promoting role in promoting the construction of a strong cultural province and industrial revitalization in Jilin.


Liu Xuejun, Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Education

On behalf of the Provincial Department of Education, Liu Xuejun congratulated JAI on the successful release of the animated film series The Frog Kingdom. He said that The Frog Kingdom is the wisdom crystallization of the school-running characteristics of the "integration of education, research and industry" of JAI, a masterpiece of persistence, and a powerful presentation of giving full play to the cluster effect of school industrialization and improving the quality of personnel training. He hopes that JAI can continue to take the advantages of the integration of industry and education, take innovation and entrepreneurship as a breakthrough, comprehensively improve the quality of independent training of talents, have the courage to innovate, open up new tracks for the development of new fields, and constantly shape and develop new dynamic energy and new advantages. It is expected that JAI can continue to create excellent works such as The Frog Kingdom series of animated films, and make greater contributions to writing a wonderful chapter of socialist modernization in an all-round way.


Zheng Liguo, Chairman and President of Jilin Animation Institute

Zheng Liguo extended a warm welcome to all the distinguished guests and expressed heartfelt thanks to the relevant departments and people from all walks of life who have been caring and supporting the school. He said that the first film of The Frog Kingdom was released in cinemas across the country in 2013, and it took a full decade till the fourth film, The Frog Kingdom: The Fantasy Queen being released. The film has won many awards such as “The Best Works Award”, "Chinese Culture and Arts Government Award", "Asia-Pacific Film Festival finalists". With the continuous upgrading and iteration of each film, The Frog Kingdom IP has its own fixed fan base, and the derivative products of the film are also loved by the audience. The creation of the original IP of the The Frog Kingdom series is not only the fruit of the school's “integration of education, research and industry”, but also a successful example of the deep integration of industry and education.

Zheng Liguo said that JAI will deeply implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, firmly grasp the country's strategic goals of "strengthening culture, education, science and technology, and talents", and develop with the characteristics of "integration of education, research and industry" deepening the integration of industry and education, promoting the upgrading of mass entrepreneurship and innovation and building industrial universities as the overall strategic goal. Adhere to the six development concepts of “socialization function, globalization vision, enterprise thinking, market consciousness, industrialization system and commercialization value”, and build a practical teaching platform for the integration of industry and education from specialty to profession, occupation to entrepreneurship in all aspects. With the cultural and creative industry clusters as the layout of professional groups and the development of subject groups, around the six major systems of animation, design, film and television, virtual reality and artificial intelligence, business management and brand marketing, and civil aviation, a talent training system with the comprehensive integration of “talent chain, professional chain, entrepreneurial chain, technology chain and industrial chain” has been formed. This year, JAI will start the construction of the campus in Shuangyang, where we will build a “national cultural innovation and entrepreneurship base”and a digital content creation base, which integrates industry-education integration base, innovation and entrepreneurship base, practical teaching base, “education + culture and tourism + technology”, and digital content creation base to build a new development pattern of cultural consumption. In the future, JAI will continue to take “inheriting the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation and prospering the development of the national cultural industry” as our mission, strive to create more masterpieces, create a classic IP that shows “auspicious characteristics” and “fine works” that affect a generation or even several generations, and contribute force to the prosperity and development of the cultural industry of the country and Jilin Province.


The film is mainly about the moment when Princess Jike of the Frog Kingdom is about to be crowned king, but the neighboring Mole country is attacked by sewage and faces a survival dilemma. Bewitched by the careerist Dr. Mole, the King Mole decided to attack the Frog Kingdom to seize water. Under the haze of war, Jike, who had just become queen, rose up to fight with the friends of the Frog Kingdom to defend their country, and with the deepening of the war, a secret that had been sealed for many years was about to be revealed.

The Frog Kingdom: The Fantasy Queen was released simultaneously across the country on April 1. The gripping storyline, the grand narrative scene and the sublimation of the world outlook full of positive energy will present a different visual experience to the children and their parents.


HO CHUN FAI, Technical Director of The Frog Kingdom: The Fantasy Queen


Jin Zhiwen, a famous singer and producer

At the premiere, HO CHUN FAI, the Technical Director of the film, talked freely about the creative experience on behalf of the creative team. Song Jiangbo, a famous director, commissioned the host to describe the creative process of the film. Jin Zhiwen, a famous singer and producer, sang his elaborate theme song “The Rainbow” at the premiere.


Leaders of Provincial Party Committee propaganda Department, Provincial Culture and Tourism Department, Provincial Education Department and other relevant offices, Yue Wu, Secretary of the Party Committee of JAI, Liu Xin, Vice President of JAI and other school leaders, members of the film’s creative team, some teachers and students of JAI, and more than 700 employees of Jilin JAI Cultural Arts Group Co.LTD. attended the premiere. 


The premiere of The Frog Kingdom: The Fantasy Queen

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