
Animation Short -10000 Ugly Inkblots of JAI Won the Special Jury Prix of 18th Vilnius International Animated Film Festival, Tindrindis

Position:News-Animation Short -10000 Ugly Inkblots of JAI Won the Special Jury Prix of 18th Vilnius International Animated Film Festival, Tindrindis

News time:2022-04-04 10:54:00


The 18th Vilnius International Animated Film Festival, Tindrindis was held in Vilnius, Lithuania. JAI animation short 10000 Ugly Inkblots won the special Jury Prix.


Vilnius International Animated Film Festival is a non-commercial festival, which collected and exhibited the best non-commercial animated short film and animated short film of Lithuania. The mission of the festival is to present a wider and more diverse animated world globally with various styles, and encourages to the development of creative animation. At the same time, the festival also promotes the exchange of creative experience and new ideas, styles and techniques. 


10000 Ugly Inkblots was directed by Dmitry Geller, a guest professor of JAI and a famous Russian animation director, who led the joint creation of teachers and students of JAI.  Since 2010, Professor Dmitry Geller visited JAI for many times, he led teachers and students to create Mice Burying A Cat, The Pond Under The Great Wall,  Fish, Swimmer, Boat and many other excellent animation works, the work Mice Burying A Cat won the Best Film Award at the 14th Hiroshima International Animation Festival.  10000 Ugly Inkblots is our excellent animation short presented on the top international festivals again after Mice Burying A CatFish, Swimmer, Boat.\

Up to now, our school's first 8k-level ultra-high-definition Chinese ink animation short 10000 Ugly Inkblots has been shortlisted for 32 top international competitions including France's Annecy International Animation Film and Canada's Ottawa International Animation Festival, and it also won the Best Work Award (White Elephant Award), First place of jury’s vote and the Unique Artistic Charm award of 26th Russia Suzdal Animation Film Festival, and Bordeaux Russian Film Night Best Editing Award, etc. These awards not only demonstrates the organic integration of our school's teaching and industry on the international platform, and enhances our school's international influence, but also fully reflects the advantages of our school's talent training model integration of Education, Research and Industry.


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