Nadège LE LAN , the culture attache and DAI Bing, Chargée de mission culturelle, visited Jilin Animation Institute

Position:-Nadège LE LAN , the culture attache and DAI Bing, Chargée de mission culturelle, visited Jilin Animation Institute

News time:2015-11-11 13:46:34

On Nov. 9th 2015, Nadège LE LAN , the culture attache and DAI Bing, Chargée de mission culturelle, from Consulat général de France à Shenyang paid a visit to Jilin Animation Institute. Mr. Zheng Liguo, the chairman and president of JAI and Bao Yiping, the deputy director from the International Cooperation and Exchange Center of JAI cordially received the guests.

The guests visited firstly the History Museum and the Animation Comics and Games Museum in JAI.

Later on, Zheng Liguo, chairman and president, had a meeting with the guests in his office. Both parties deeply and widely discussed the issues on collaboration, education, joint exhibition etc. And Nadège LE LAN , the culture attache, showed great interests in helping JAI cooperate with French universities and companies.



 Zheng Liguo, chairman and president gave a gift to Nadège LE LAN , the culture attache  Picture taken by Gao Xuesong




Reported by Gavin Liu


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